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[h316.git] / pc-tools / ldc2 / doc / req_spec.tex
1 \section{Requirements Specification}
3 %*******************************************************************************
4 \subsection{Data input processing}
6 \rd{inp001}{Data source select}{
7 The tape data in Honeywell silent 4/6/6 code
8 \cite{ser16:progref:bformats} shall be read in from standard input or
9 from an input file.
10 }
12 %*******************************************************************************
13 \subsection{Data integrity checks}
15 The tape data shall be checked against the Honeywell tape block specification
16 found in \cite{ser16:progref:bformats}.
18 \rd{chk001}{Block completeness check}{
19 Every data block's completeness shall be checked by the means of
20 detecting unexpected end of file while reading in the block.
21 }
23 \rd{chk002}{Block checksum check}{
24 Every data block's checksum shall be calculated and checked according
25 to \cite{ser16:progref:bformats}.
26 }
28 \rd{chk003}{Block type check}{
29 Every data block contains its blocktype encoded in a specified location.
30 It shall be checked that each data block's type field contains one of
31 the type codes described in \cite{ser16:progref:bformats}.
32 }
34 \rd{chk004}{Object integrity check}{
35 Every object on the tape (i.e. the output of one DAP-16 or FORTRAN IV
36 compiler run) consists of multiple data blocks.
37 According to \cite{ser16:progref:bformats}, the last block of each
38 object must be of one of the end block types.\\
39 It shall be checked if the last data block read before end of input or
40 an end of tape mark is an appropriate end block.
41 }
43 \rd{chk005}{Interactive checksum error handling}{
44 The program shall be configurable to pause block processing on
45 detection of a checksum error (\req{chk002}) and resume processing after
46 user intervention.\\
47 This feature is incompatible with data input from standard input.
48 }
50 %*******************************************************************************
51 \subsection{Data analysis}
53 \rd{da001}{List tape contents}{
54 Output a list containing a human-readable fixed-format description
55 of all blocks contained in the input data.\\
56 The output line format shall be unified for all block types.
57 }
59 \rd{da002}{List exported symbols}{
60 Output a list of all exported symbols.
61 }
63 \rd{da003}{List called symbols}{
64 Output a list of all called symbols.
65 }
67 \rd{da004}{List unsatisfied dependencies}{
68 Output a list of all unsatisfied dependencies i.e.
69 all called symbols that appear in the output of \req{dp003} but
70 not in the output of \req{dp002}.
71 }
73 \rd{da005}{Tape information output}{
74 It shall be possible to output a line containing at least
75 the following information about a tape image:
76 \begin{itemize}
77 \item Number of bytes read from data source
78 \item Number of blocks read in
79 \end{itemize}
80 }
82 \rd{da006}{Text output}{
83 Text from \req{da001},\req{da002},\req{da003}, \req{da004},
84 and \req{da005} is output to standard output or to a file.
85 }
87 %*******************************************************************************
88 \subsection{Data processing}
90 \rd{dp001}{Split into object files}{
91 The tape data shall be divided into self-contained object files.\\
92 The generated file names are derived from the first symbol name
93 defined in the current object.\\
94 Example: If an object exports the symbols SONNE, MOND
95 and STERNE, the resulting file name will be SONNE.\\
96 EOT (end of tape) blocks shall not be output in this mode of operation.
97 }
99 \rd{dp002}{Split into numbered object files}{
100 Similar to \req{dp006}, but the object file names are prepended with
101 a zero-padded three digit number and EOT blocks are not suppressed.
102 }
104 %*******************************************************************************
105 \subsection{Additional features}
107 \rd{h001}{Print help message}{
108 A help message shall be output to standard error.
109 }
111 %*******************************************************************************
112 \subsection{Program configuration}
114 \rd{cfg001}{Configuration process}{
115 The following sequence shall be used to acquire the working configuration:
116 \begin{enumerate}
117 \item Configuration file according to environment variable:\\
118 If the environment variable LDC\_CONFIG is set, that
119 file shall be parsed.
120 \item Configuration file according to command line parameter:\\
121 If the command line parameter specifying a configuration
122 file is found,
123 the specified configuration file is parsed.\\
124 Any values in this configuration file
125 override values found in the previously read configuration
126 file.
127 \item Configuration parameters passed via the command line:\\
128 Parameters passed on the command line will override
129 values from previously read configuration files.
130 \end{enumerate}
131 }
133 \rd{cfg002}{Parameter types}{
134 The program shall accept two types of parameters:
135 \begin{itemize}
136 \item Switches:\\
137 A switch is a binary value which can have the value true or false.
138 \item Strings:\\
139 A string parameter is a parameter requiring a string value.\\
140 A typical use would be a file name for input or output.
141 \end{itemize}
142 }
144 \rd{cfg003}{Switch parameters}{
145 The following switch parameters shall be accepted:
146 \begin{table}[H]\begin{center}
147 \begin{tabular}{|r|p{2.5em}|l|}
148 \hline
149 \bf Long Form & \bf Short form & \bf Description\\
150 \hline
151 help & h & Show help message (\req{h001})\\
152 output\_info & a & Output data info according to \req{da005}.\\
153 output\_called & c & Output a list of called symbols (\req{dp003}).\\
154 output\_exported & e & Output a list of exported symbols (\req{dp002}).\\
155 output\_unsatisfied & u & Output a list of unsatisfied dependencies (\req{dp004}).\\
156 split\_objects & s & Split into object files (\req{dp006}.\\
157 split\_objects\_numbered & S & Split into numbered object files (\req{dp007}).\\
158 ignore\_block\_errors & b & Ignore block integrity errors (\req{err001}).\\
159 ignore\_checksum\_errors & k & Ignore Checksum errors (\req{err001}).\\
160 pause\_on\_checksum\_error & p & Wait for user input on checksum error (\req{err003}).\\
161 ignore\_unknown\_block\_errors & n & Ignore errors causes by datablocks of
162 unknown type (\req{err001}).\\
163 ignore\_object\_integrity\_errors & g & Ignore errors caused by objects without
164 proper end block (\req{err001}.)\\
165 \hline
166 \end{tabular}\end{center}
167 \caption{Configuration switches}
168 \end{table}
169 }
171 \rd{cfg004}{String parameters}{
172 The following string parameters shall be accepted:
173 \begin{table}[H]\begin{center}
174 \begin{tabular}{|r|p{2.5em}|l|}
175 \hline
176 \bf Long Form & \bf Short form & \bf Description\\
177 \hline
178 in\_file & i & Set input file (\req{inp001}) \\
179 out\_file & o & Set output file for text output.(\req{dp008})\\
180 \hline
181 \end{tabular}\end{center}
182 \caption{Configuration strings}
183 \end{table}
185 }
187 \rd{cfg005}{Configuration file syntax}{
188 The configuration file must comply two the following grammar, given in EBNF:
189 }
190 \begin{verbatim}
191 ConfigurationFile = { ConfigurationLine "<EOL>" } ;
192 ConfigurationLine = SwitchLine | StringLine | CommentLine ;
193 SwitchLine = WSpace SwLong WSpace "=" BoolValue ;
194 StringLine = WSpace StrLong WSpace "=" String ;
195 CommentLine = WSpace [ "#" String ] ;
196 WSpace = { " " } ;
197 SwLong = "output_info" | "ouput_called" | "output_exported"
198 | "output_unsatisfied" | "split_objects" [ _"numbered" ]
199 | "ignore_block_errors" | "ignore_checksum_errors
200 | "pause_on_checksum_error"
201 | "ignore_unknown_block_errors"
202 | "ignore_object_integrity" ;
203 StrLong = "out_file" | "in_file" ;
204 BoolValue = TrueStr | FalseStr ;
205 String = { ? Every character except newline ?} ;
206 TrueStr = "yes" | "1" | "true" ;
207 FalseStr = | "no" | "0" | "false" ;
208 \end{verbatim};
210 \rd{cfg006}{Commandline syntax}{
211 The command line must comply to the following grammar, given in EBNF:
212 }
213 \begin{verbatim}
214 CommandLine = ProgramName Arguments ;
215 ProgramName = String ;
216 Arguments = { " " } { " " Argument } [ " " InfileName ] ;
217 Argument = { Switch | Parameter }
218 InfileName = String ;
219 Switch = ShortSwitch | LongSwitch ;
220 Parameter = ShortParam | LongParam ;
221 String = { ? Every character except newline ? } ;
222 ShortSwitch = "-" SwShort ;
223 LongSwitch = "--" SwLong [ "=" BoolValue ] ;
224 ShortParam = "-" StrShort String ;
225 LongParam = "--" StrLong "=" String ;
226 SwShort = "a" | "c" | "e" | "u" | "s" | "S"
227 | "b" | "k" | "p" | "n" | "g" ;
228 SwLong = "output_info" | "ouput_called" | "output_exported"
229 | "output_unsatisfied" | "split_objects" [ _"numbered" ]
230 | "ignore_block_errors" | "ignore_checksum_errors
231 | "pause_on_checksum_error"
232 | "ignore_unknown_block_errors"
233 | "ignore_object_integrity" ;
234 StrShort = "o";
235 StrLong = "out_file" ;
236 \end{verbatim}
238 \rd{cfg007}{Configuration implications}{
239 \begin{itemize}
240 \item pause\_on\_checksum\_errors implies ignore\_checksum\_errors.
241 \item pause\_on\_checksum\_errors is completely ignored when input
242 is read from standard input.
243 \item output\_* inhibits tape information output (\req{da001}).
244 \item help inhibits all other actions.
245 \end{itemize}
246 }
248 \rd{cfg008}{Default behaviour}{
249 \begin{itemize}
250 \item Data is read from standard input.
251 \item All error conditions result in immediate program termination
252 and an error message.
253 \item Tape information according to \req{da001} is output.
254 \item Text is output to standard output.
255 \end{itemize}
256 }
258 %*******************************************************************************
259 \subsection{Error handling}
262 \newcommand{\esup}{
263 This error shall lead to an error message and immediate program
264 termination or a warning message and program continuation.
265 }
267 \newcommand{\enosup}{
268 This error shall always lead to an error message and immediate
269 program termination.
270 }
272 \rd{err001}{Error types}{
273 The following distinguished error types shall exist:
274 \begin{itemize}
275 \item Input/output error:\\
276 Error occuring during reading from the input file descriptor
277 or during writing to an output file.\\
278 \enosup
279 \item Block integrity error:\\
280 Caused by failed check according to \req{chk001}.\\
281 \esup
282 \item Checksum error:\\
283 Caused by failed check according to \req{chk002}.\\
284 \esup
285 \item Unknown block type error:\\
286 Caused by failed check according to \req{chk003}.\\
287 \esup
288 \item Object integrity error:\\
289 Caused by failed check according to \req{chk004}.\\
290 \esup
291 \item Usage error:\\
292 Error caused by errors in the program configuration i.e.wrong
293 parameters or impossible combinations of parameters.\\
294 \enosup \\
295 Additionally, the help (\req{h001}) message is output.
296 \item Internal program error:\\
297 Error caused by internal program problems.\\
298 This error should never occur.\\
299 \enosup
300 \end{itemize}
301 }
303 \rd{err002}{Program exit codes}{
304 \begin{table}[H]
305 \begin{center}
306 \begin{tabular}{|r|c|}
307 \hline
308 \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf Exit condition} & \bf Return code\\
309 \hline
310 Successfull program completion & 0 \\
311 File open error & 1\\
312 Input/output error & 2\\
313 Block integrity error & 3\\
314 Checksum error & 4\\
315 Unknown block type error & 5\\
316 Object integrity error & 6\\
317 Usage error & 7\\
318 Internal program error & 100 \\
319 \hline
320 \end{tabular}
321 \caption[Program Exit codes]{Exit codes}
322 \end{center}
323 \end{table}
324 }
326 \rd{err003}{Error and warning messages}{
327 Error messages shall consinst of ''Error:'' and the error reason.\\
328 Warning messages shall consist of ''Warning:'' and a descriptive
329 text.\\
330 The following texts shall be used to form error and warning messages:
331 \begin{table}[H]
332 \begin{center}
333 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
334 \hline
335 \bf Error condition & \bf Descriptive text\\ \hline
336 File open error & Could not open $<$filename$>$ for reading/writing!\\
337 Input error & Could not read from $<$filename$>$!\\
338 Output error & Could not write to $<$filename$>$!\\
339 Block integrity error & Block integrity check failed!\\
340 Checksum error & Block checksum wrong!\\
341 Unknown block type & Unknown block type!\\
342 Object integrity & Object integrity check failed!\\
343 Usage error & $<$Error message describing the problem$>$\\
344 \hline
345 \end{tabular}
346 \end{center}
347 \caption[Program Exit codes]{Exit codes}
348 \end{table}
349 }
351 \rd{err004}{Error message output}{
352 Any error messages shall be output to standard error.\\
353 There shall be no way to suppress error messages.
354 }
356 \rd{err005}{Warning message output}{
357 Any warning messages shall be output to standard error.\\
358 There shall be a possibility to suppress warning messages.
359 }