\section{Requirements Specification}
-What do we require?
\ No newline at end of file
+\subsection{Data input processing}
+\rd{inp001}{Data source select}{
+ The tape data in Honeywell silent 4/6/6 code
+ \cite{ser16:progref:bformats} shall be read in from standard input or
+ from an input file.
+\subsection{Data integrity checks}
+The tape data shall be checked against the Honeywell tape block specification
+found in \cite{ser16:progref:bformats}.
+\rd{chk001}{Block completeness check}{
+ Every data block's completeness shall be checked by the means of
+ detecting unexpected end of file while reading in the block.
+\rd{chk002}{Block checksum check}{
+ Every data block's checksum shall be calculated and checked according
+ to \cite{ser16:progref:bformats}.
+\rd{chk003}{Block type check}{
+ Every data block contains its blocktype encoded in a specified location.
+ It shall be checked that each data block's type field contains one of
+ the type codes described in \cite{ser16:progref:bformats}.
+\rd{chk004}{Object integrity check}{
+ Every object on the tape (i.e. the output of one DAP-16 or FORTRAN IV
+ compiler run) consists of multiple data blocks.
+ According to \cite{ser16:progref:bformats}, the last block of each
+ object must be of one of the end block types.\\
+ It shall be checked if the last data block read before end of input or
+ an end of tape mark is an appropriate end block.
+\rd{chk005}{Interactive checksum error handling}{
+ The program shall be configurable to pause block processing on
+ detection of a checksum error (\req{chk002}) and resume processing after
+ user intervention.\\
+ This feature is incompatible with data input from standard input.
+\subsection{Data analysis}
+\rd{da001}{List tape contents}{
+ Output a list containing a human-readable fixed-format description
+ of all blocks contained in the input data.\\
+ The output line format shall be unified for all block types.
+\rd{da002}{List exported symbols}{
+ Output a list of all exported symbols.
+\rd{da003}{List called symbols}{
+ Output a list of all called symbols.
+\rd{da004}{List unsatisfied dependencies}{
+ Output a list of all unsatisfied dependencies i.e.
+ all called symbols that appear in the output of \req{dp003} but
+ not in the output of \req{dp002}.
+\rd{da005}{Tape information output}{
+ It shall be possible to output a line containing at least
+ the following information about a tape image:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Number of bytes read from data source
+ \item Number of blocks read in
+ \end{itemize}
+\rd{da006}{Text output}{
+ Text from \req{da001},\req{da002},\req{da003}, \req{da004},
+ and \req{da005} is output to standard output or to a file.
+\subsection{Data processing}
+\rd{dp001}{Split into object files}{
+ The tape data shall be divided into self-contained object files.\\
+ The generated file names are derived from the first symbol name
+ defined in the current object.\\
+ Example: If an object exports the symbols SONNE, MOND
+ and STERNE, the resulting file name will be SONNE.\\
+ EOT (end of tape) blocks shall not be output in this mode of operation.
+\rd{dp002}{Split into numbered object files}{
+ Similar to \req{dp006}, but the object file names are prepended with
+ a zero-padded three digit number and EOT blocks are not suppressed.
+\subsection{Additional features}
+\rd{h001}{Print help message}{
+ A help message shall be output to standard error.
+\subsection{Program configuration}
+\rd{cfg001}{Configuration process}{
+ The following sequence shall be used to acquire the working configuration:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Configuration file according to environment variable:\\
+ If the environment variable LDC\_CONFIG is set, that
+ file shall be parsed.
+ \item Configuration file according to command line parameter:\\
+ If the command line parameter specifying a configuration
+ file is found,
+ the specified configuration file is parsed.\\
+ Any values in this configuration file
+ override values found in the previously read configuration
+ file.
+ \item Configuration parameters passed via the command line:\\
+ Parameters passed on the command line will override
+ values from previously read configuration files.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\rd{cfg002}{Parameter types}{
+ The program shall accept two types of parameters:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Switches:\\
+ A switch is a binary value which can have the value true or false.
+ \item Strings:\\
+ A string parameter is a parameter requiring a string value.\\
+ A typical use would be a file name for input or output.
+ \end{itemize}
+\rd{cfg003}{Switch parameters}{
+ The following switch parameters shall be accepted:
+ \begin{table}[H]\begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{|r|p{2.5em}|l|}
+ \hline
+ \bf Long Form & \bf Short form & \bf Description\\
+ \hline
+ help & h & Show help message (\req{h001})\\
+ output\_info & a & Output data info according to \req{da005}.\\
+ output\_called & c & Output a list of called symbols (\req{dp003}).\\
+ output\_exported & e & Output a list of exported symbols (\req{dp002}).\\
+ output\_unsatisfied & u & Output a list of unsatisfied dependencies (\req{dp004}).\\
+ split\_objects & s & Split into object files (\req{dp006}.\\
+ split\_objects\_numbered & S & Split into numbered object files (\req{dp007}).\\
+ ignore\_block\_errors & b & Ignore block integrity errors (\req{err001}).\\
+ ignore\_checksum\_errors & k & Ignore Checksum errors (\req{err001}).\\
+ pause\_on\_checksum\_error & p & Wait for user input on checksum error (\req{err003}).\\
+ ignore\_unknown\_block\_errors & n & Ignore errors causes by datablocks of
+ unknown type (\req{err001}).\\
+ ignore\_object\_integrity\_errors & g & Ignore errors caused by objects without
+ proper end block (\req{err001}.)\\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}\end{center}
+ \caption{Configuration switches}
+ \end{table}
+\rd{cfg004}{String parameters}{
+ The following string parameters shall be accepted:
+ \begin{table}[H]\begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{|r|p{2.5em}|l|}
+ \hline
+ \bf Long Form & \bf Short form & \bf Description\\
+ \hline
+ in\_file & i & Set input file (\req{inp001}) \\
+ out\_file & o & Set output file for text output.(\req{dp008})\\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}\end{center}
+ \caption{Configuration strings}
+ \end{table}
+\rd{cfg005}{Configuration file syntax}{
+ The configuration file must comply two the following grammar, given in EBNF:
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ConfigurationFile = { ConfigurationLine "<EOL>" } ;
+ConfigurationLine = SwitchLine | StringLine | CommentLine ;
+ SwitchLine = WSpace SwLong WSpace "=" BoolValue ;
+ StringLine = WSpace StrLong WSpace "=" String ;
+ CommentLine = WSpace [ "#" String ] ;
+ WSpace = { " " } ;
+ SwLong = "output_info" | "ouput_called" | "output_exported"
+ | "output_unsatisfied" | "split_objects" [ _"numbered" ]
+ | "ignore_block_errors" | "ignore_checksum_errors
+ | "pause_on_checksum_error"
+ | "ignore_unknown_block_errors"
+ | "ignore_object_integrity" ;
+ StrLong = "out_file" | "in_file" ;
+ BoolValue = TrueStr | FalseStr ;
+ String = { ? Every character except newline ?} ;
+ TrueStr = "yes" | "1" | "true" ;
+ FalseStr = | "no" | "0" | "false" ;
+ \end{verbatim};
+\rd{cfg006}{Commandline syntax}{
+ The command line must comply to the following grammar, given in EBNF:
+CommandLine = ProgramName Arguments ;
+ProgramName = String ;
+ Arguments = { " " } { " " Argument } [ " " InfileName ] ;
+ Argument = { Switch | Parameter }
+ InfileName = String ;
+ Switch = ShortSwitch | LongSwitch ;
+ Parameter = ShortParam | LongParam ;
+ String = { ? Every character except newline ? } ;
+ShortSwitch = "-" SwShort ;
+ LongSwitch = "--" SwLong [ "=" BoolValue ] ;
+ ShortParam = "-" StrShort String ;
+ LongParam = "--" StrLong "=" String ;
+ SwShort = "a" | "c" | "e" | "u" | "s" | "S"
+ | "b" | "k" | "p" | "n" | "g" ;
+ SwLong = "output_info" | "ouput_called" | "output_exported"
+ | "output_unsatisfied" | "split_objects" [ _"numbered" ]
+ | "ignore_block_errors" | "ignore_checksum_errors
+ | "pause_on_checksum_error"
+ | "ignore_unknown_block_errors"
+ | "ignore_object_integrity" ;
+ StrShort = "o";
+ StrLong = "out_file" ;
+\rd{cfg007}{Configuration implications}{
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item pause\_on\_checksum\_errors implies ignore\_checksum\_errors.
+ \item pause\_on\_checksum\_errors is completely ignored when input
+ is read from standard input.
+ \item output\_* inhibits tape information output (\req{da001}).
+ \item help inhibits all other actions.
+ \end{itemize}
+\rd{cfg008}{Default behaviour}{
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Data is read from standard input.
+ \item All error conditions result in immediate program termination
+ and an error message.
+ \item Tape information according to \req{da001} is output.
+ \item Text is output to standard output.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Error handling}
+ This error shall lead to an error message and immediate program
+ termination or a warning message and program continuation.
+ This error shall always lead to an error message and immediate
+ program termination.
+\rd{err001}{Error types}{
+ The following distinguished error types shall exist:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Input/output error:\\
+ Error occuring during reading from the input file descriptor
+ or during writing to an output file.\\
+ \enosup
+ \item Block integrity error:\\
+ Caused by failed check according to \req{chk001}.\\
+ \esup
+ \item Checksum error:\\
+ Caused by failed check according to \req{chk002}.\\
+ \esup
+ \item Unknown block type error:\\
+ Caused by failed check according to \req{chk003}.\\
+ \esup
+ \item Object integrity error:\\
+ Caused by failed check according to \req{chk004}.\\
+ \esup
+ \item Usage error:\\
+ Error caused by errors in the program configuration i.e.wrong
+ parameters or impossible combinations of parameters.\\
+ \enosup \\
+ Additionally, the help (\req{h001}) message is output.
+ \item Internal program error:\\
+ Error caused by internal program problems.\\
+ This error should never occur.\\
+ \enosup
+ \end{itemize}
+\rd{err002}{Program exit codes}{
+ \begin{table}[H]
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{|r|c|}
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf Exit condition} & \bf Return code\\
+ \hline
+ Successfull program completion & 0 \\
+ File open error & 1\\
+ Input/output error & 2\\
+ Block integrity error & 3\\
+ Checksum error & 4\\
+ Unknown block type error & 5\\
+ Object integrity error & 6\\
+ Usage error & 7\\
+ Internal program error & 100 \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption[Program Exit codes]{Exit codes}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{table}
+\rd{err003}{Error and warning messages}{
+ Error messages shall consinst of ''Error:'' and the error reason.\\
+ Warning messages shall consist of ''Warning:'' and a descriptive
+ text.\\
+ The following texts shall be used to form error and warning messages:
+ \begin{table}[H]
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
+ \hline
+ \bf Error condition & \bf Descriptive text\\ \hline
+ File open error & Could not open $<$filename$>$ for reading/writing!\\
+ Input error & Could not read from $<$filename$>$!\\
+ Output error & Could not write to $<$filename$>$!\\
+ Block integrity error & Block integrity check failed!\\
+ Checksum error & Block checksum wrong!\\
+ Unknown block type & Unknown block type!\\
+ Object integrity & Object integrity check failed!\\
+ Usage error & $<$Error message describing the problem$>$\\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \caption[Program Exit codes]{Exit codes}
+ \end{table}
+\rd{err004}{Error message output}{
+ Any error messages shall be output to standard error.\\
+ There shall be no way to suppress error messages.
+\rd{err005}{Warning message output}{
+ Any warning messages shall be output to standard error.\\
+ There shall be a possibility to suppress warning messages.