2015-10-02 Philipp HachtmannAnother large commit
2015-10-02 Philipp HachtmannA large commit.
2015-10-01 Philipp Hachtmannmaindec: Added the usual collection, with intact symlinks
2015-10-01 Philipp Hachtmannsoftware: Added more and more
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmanndisk8: Initial commit
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmannsw: Added further small things, links, etc
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmannframework: Makde frosch and rb path independant
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmannplot_hpgl: Addition to .gitignore
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmannautobin: Added the glorious autobin loader
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmannsw: Added bin folder and Kermit scripts
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmannsw: Added FORTRAN IV and Spacewar
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmannsw images: Added diagpack.rk
2015-09-28 Philipp Hachtmannspeed8: Updated .gitignore
2015-09-27 Philipp Hachtmannsw/images: Add Hachti preinstalled disk images
2015-09-27 Philipp Hachtmannadventure: Initial commit
2015-09-27 Philipp Hachtmannplot_hpgl: Cosmetic improvements
2015-09-27 Philipp HachtmannInitial commit